How to Make Eco Friendly Choices with Wedding Clothes

How to Make Eco Friendly Choices with Wedding Clothes

ByGroovy Green May 9, 2017

Clothing for the wedding is always going to be a high ticket item, but there are ways to reduce the expense and this in turn, will help to reduce the carbon footprint of your wedding.  There are many other ways to do this too, from photo booth hire to save on the use of chemicals in printing out photos – and in a good choice of food that is organic. But how can you make the wedding clothes eco friendly?  Here are several ways.

  • Chose a pre-worn wedding dress. You can find these on special websites or even in an op-shop. It could be your mum’s or another relative’s wedding dress and/or veil that is available to you. While it may not feel right wearing someone else’s dream bridal finery, if you choose one that is from several years or decades back, it is a pretty good bet that no one will remember it. And vintage is always cool.
  • Choose a dress that can be worn again. Whether it is in the style that can be easily adapted to look like a party dress instead of a wedding dress, or whether it is in the colour, choosing a wedding dress that can be worn several more times will certainly help to save the earth’s resources as well as your own.
  • Allow the bridesmaids to wear a dress or bridal robes they already have. This is an excellent choice for the less formal wedding and can be a big save. You can bring the ensembles together by having them choose styles or colours that are similar or by adding accessories that all match or even just in the length.

  • Men’s shirts don’t have to be bought specially. If they have a white or pale blue shirt already, that is fine to go with their suits. Again, you can usually get them to match the colours, or that of the bridesmaids’ frocks.
  • Men’s suits don’t have to be brand new either. If they have a good suit let them wear that. Or they could rent one, which will probably work out cheaper than purchasing a new suit – and again will save the earth’s resources.
  • If you simply must have new clothes, try to have them made from eco friendly fabrics such as silk, hemp, organic cotton or even bamboo fabric.
  • Shoes don’t have to be bought new, especially since new shoes are often uncomfortable. Why ruin the best day of your life? Choose shoes you already have that are comfortable and enjoy your day. The same goes for the men.

Once you start to think along the lines of sustainability for your wedding clothes you’ll be delighted to find your budget is no longer looking it will break, so you’ll not only be doing the earth a favour, but yourself as well.

